An OnlyFans porn star fell to her death while filming a threesome sex scene on a hotel balcony in Brazil, according to a report. Anna Beatrix Pereira Alves — known as "Anna Polly" — was Anna Beatriz Pereira Alves, whose professional name was Anna Polly, appears to have fallen from a balcony and into a courtyard while shooting a sex scene at the Mont Blanc Apart Hotel outside of A 27-year-old adult film star has died after falling from the balcony of her hotel in Brazil. The Civil Police of the state of Rio de Janeiro have launched an investigation after Anna Beatriz Pereira Alves, who went by the stage name Anna Polly, reportedly fell while working on content at the hotel in Nova Iguacu, in Baixada Fluminense, in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro Anna's boyfriend, Pedro Henrique-- who wasn't part of the incident -- took to social media, heartbroken and hoping investigators get to the bottom of what happened. Anna was 27. RIP A produtora de conteúdo Anna Beatriz Pereira Alves, mais conhecida como Anna Polly, morreu no último dia 23 após cair da varanda de um hotel em Nova Iguaçu, município do Rio de Janeiro. A Anna Polly, criadora de conteúdo adulto, morreu aos 28 anos ao cair da sacada de um hotel, no Rio, na quinta-feira passada (23).Quem é Anna PollyAnna Beatriz, que usava o nome Anna Polly nas redes sociais, era uma criadora de conteúdo adulto que havia A Delegacia de Homicídios da Baixada Fluminense (DHBF) investiga a morte de Anna Beatriz Pereira Alves, também conhecida como Anna Polly, que morreu ao cair da varanda de um hotel em Nova Iguaçu, na Baixada Fluminense, na última quinta-feira (23). Anna Polly, de 28 anos, era influenciadora e produtora de conteúdo adulto. In a harrowing incident that has caught international attention, Brazilian OnlyFans model Anna Beatrix Pereira Alves, popularly known as Anna Polly, met a tragic end last Thursday. The 27-year-old content creator plummeted from a balcony at the Mont Blanc Apart Hotel in Nova
Iguaçu while filming an explicit scene with two male associates. 27-year old, adult website model, Anna Polly died on January 23, after having a tragic fall from a hotel balcony in Brazil. As per reports, Anna Beatriz Pereira, popularly known as Anna Polly was in the middle of filming an int*rcourse scene between herself and two other men in Rio De Janeiro, for an adult content site. La actriz de contenido para adultos Anna Beatriz Pereira Alves, conocida en redes como Anna Polly, falleció el pasado 23 de enero tras caer desde el balcón de un hotel en Nova Iguaçu, Brasil.